Friday 2 August 2013

Reasons For Globalisation

Many aspects of the world that we know today are the result of globalisation. Before we look at these aspects in more detail however we should ask a fundamental question:
Ø  What are the reasons that globalisation has taken place and continues to take place?    
The different aspects of the globalisation phenomenon have been individually researched in great detail. There is not an all encompassing reason for globalisation rather a series of interconnected causes.  Although opinions differ on what the most important causes are there are several key reasons for globalisation:
Ø  Multinational corporations have global reach and increasing power.
Ø  Travel and shipping are cheap and safe.
Ø  Governments have decreased tariffs and regulations on international trade.
These key reasons along with other drivers of globalisation are covered in the following video from GCSE BBC Bitesize. The video provides a basic but competent overview of globalisation and could be shown as a:
Ø  Starter to the topic (assuming no prior knowledge).
Ø  Task based exercise where pupils would be asked to make notes i.e. define globalisation, positives vs. negatives of globalisation ...
Ø  Conclusion to a lesson to consolidate knowledge.
Ø  Revision aid at the end of the module.   

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